Ten Finance

We are glad to introduce you to our new partner — TEN. In the term of our cooperation, we plan to add the TEN pools to the YieldShield platform to maximise the profits for our users with the help of our RoboFarmer. We also plan to conduct mutual marketing activities to increase the awareness of our platform.

About TEN

TEN is a yield aggregator/optimiser that simplifies staking and yield farming with the most liquid Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Liquidity Pools available and provides a robust yield earning environment on the market while adhering to security, sustainability, longevity, and simplicity.

Website: https://ten.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenfinance

Telegram: https://t.me/tenfinance

Medium: https://medium.com/tenfinance

Documentation: https://tenfinance.gitbook.io/faq/

For more information visit: https://www.yieldshield.com

Last updated